Accepts first-year applications Mid-Atlantic Public Suburban Large (15,000+) Co-Ed No letter of recommendation required - First Year Accepts self-reported test scores - First Year Test Optional/Flexible - First Year
Find out about requirements, fees, and deadlines
What you need to apply: Completed application Required essays Self-Reported high school grades through SRAR (Self-Reported Academic Record)* For spring and fall 2021, standardized test scores are optional*† a high school counselor school report—letters of recommendation optional *Students who are admitted and plan to attend UD will be required to submit official, final high school transcripts and test scores before their initial semester. † Students who choose not to submit their test scores must complete supplemental essays.
Transfer applicants should not apply using The Common Application. For more information on transfer applications, visit our website:
“I am so proud to this day that I graduated from the University of Delaware. The foundation I got here—the strength and support—helped me go forward.”
Susan Stroman, five-time Tony Award-winner and graduate of UD’s College of Arts and Sciences, Class of 1976, Arts and Sciences