Tuition and Fee Waiver Authorizations

For any dependent child of a person whom the armed forces of the United States has declared to be missing in action or to have been a prisoner of war while serving in such armed forces after January 1, 1960, which child has been accepted for admission to such institution and is a resident of Connecticut at the time he is accepted for admission to such institution,

2. Veteran -

For any veteran who having served in time of war, as defined in Subsection (a) of Section 27-103 of the CGS, or who served in either a combat or combat support role in the invasion of Grenada, October 25, 1983, to December 15, 1983, the invasion of Panama, December 20, 1989, to January 31, 1990, or the peace-keeping mission in Lebanon, September 29, 1982, to March 30, 1984, who has been accepted for admission to such institution and is domiciled in this state at the time such veteran is accepted for admission to such institution,

3. Senior Citizen (62 or older) -

For any resident of Connecticut sixty-two years of age or older who has been accepted for admission to such institution, provided such person is enrolled in a degree-granting program, or, provided, at the end of the regular registration period, there are enrolled in the course a sufficient number of students other than those persons eligible for waivers pursuant to this subdivision to offer the course in which such person intends to enroll and there is space available in such course after accommodating all such students,

4. Connecticut Police Academy -

For any student attending the Connecticut Police Academy who is enrolled in a law enforcement program at said academy offered in coordination with the university which accredits courses taken in such program,

5. Army/Air National Guard -

For any active member of the Connecticut Army or Air National Guard who (A) has been certified by the Adjutant General or such Adjutant General's designee as a member in good standing of the guard, and (B) is enrolled or accepted for admission to such institution on a full-time or part-time basis in an undergraduate or graduate degree-granting program, and

6. Dependent Child of Police Officer/Fire Fighter (Killed in line of duty) -

For any dependent child of a police officer, as defined in Section 7-294(a), or fire fighter, as defined in Section 7-323(j), killed in the line of duty. If any person who receives a tuition waiver in accordance with the provisions of this subsection also receives educational reimbursement from an employer, such waiver shall be reduced by the amount of such educational reimbursement. Veterans described in subdivision (5) of this subsection shall be given the same status as students not receiving tuition waivers in registration for courses at Connecticut state universities."

7. Dependent of Terrorist Victim -

For any resident of this state who is a dependent child or surviving spouse of a specified terrorist victim who was a resident of this state

8. Dependent of Avon Mountain Crash Victim -

For any dependent child of a resident of the state who was killed in a multivehicle crash at or near the intersection of Routes 44 and 10 and Nod Road in Avon on July 29, 2005

9. Dependent of Armed Forces Killed in Action -

For any resident of this state who is a dependent child or surviving spouse of a person who was killed in action while performing active military duty with the Armed Forces of the United States on or After September 11, 2001, and who was a resident of the state.

Tuition and Fee Waiver Authorizations as prescribed by CSU Board of Regents Policy

Authorized Fee Waivers
(Board of Regents for Higher Education Page 13 Minutes – December 18, 2014 Regular Meeting)

1. Veteran -
A fifty (50%) percent Extension fee waiver (summer and winter sessions) is authorized for any veteran without regard to his/her residence at the time of his/her service in the armed forces having served in time of war, as defined in Subsection (a) of Section 27-103 of the CGS, or who served in either a combat or combat support role in the invasion of Grenada, October 25, 1983, to December 15, 1983, the invasion of Panama, December 20, 1989, to January 31, 1990, or the peace-keeping mission in Lebanon, September 29, 1982, to March 30, 1984, who has been accepted for admission and is a resident of Connecticut,

2. Dependent Child of MIA/POW -
A waiver of the Extension fee (summer and winter sessions) is authorized for any dependent child of a person whom the armed forces of the United States has declared to be missing in action or to have been a prisoner of war while serving in such armed forces after January 1, 1960, which child has been accepted for admission to such institution and is a resident of Connecticut,

3. Senior Citizen (62 or older - part-time) -
A full waiver of the Extension fee (summer and winter sessions) is authorized for any Connecticut resident sixty-two years or older providing that at the end of the regular registration period there is space available in the course(s) in which they intend to enroll,

4. Senior Citizen (62 or older - full-time) -
A waiver of tuition and the University Fee is authorized for any Connecticut resident sixty-two years or older who is enrolled in a degree-granting program pursuant to the provisions of Section 10a-99 of the CGS,

5. Federal Internship Program -
A waiver of all fees except for tuition and the cost of student accident and sickness insurance for one semester is authorized for any Public Policy and Government major who participates in the Federal Internship Program in Washington, DC on a full-time basis and not able to avail themselves of services normally provided while on campus,

6. Part-time International Student -
A waiver of part-time Tuition, General University Fee, the registration fee, and room and board for one semester, is authorized if approved by the university for any part-time international student whose home university has, in the judgment of the university president, provided services or waived tuition and/or fees of corresponding value for students and/or faculty of the Connecticut State University System. The university president will report annually by fiscal year the number of waivers, dollar amount, and justification for the waivers by July 15 to the Chancellor of the Connecticut State University System,

7. Connecticut Secondary Education Student (enrolled in a university course) -
(A) The president may waive all tuition and fees or may impose the registration fee at his/her discretion for any student from a Connecticut Secondary Education school which has a specific agreement with a university within the Connecticut State University System for enrollment in up to two courses per semester or summer session on a space-available basis. (B) Academically qualified students not covered by an agreement between their school and a university may enroll in up to two courses per semester or summer session for university credits and will be charged the regular tuition and/or fees and registration fee. (C) A waiver of the part-time Tuition and General University Fee is authorized for academically qualified students enrolled in up to two courses per semester for university credit in those cases in which an academic department of a university authorizes a high school faculty member(s) to teach those university courses at a high school under the department's supervision. Students at Southern Connecticut State University will pay a $15 fee for a "rush" transcript.

8. Resident Assistant -
The university is authorized to waive room and board for any Resident Assistant.

9. Full-time Student Attending Another Connecticut Public Higher Education Institution -
Any matriculated full-time student enrolled at a public institution of higher education in Connecticut who has paid tuition at his or her college or university will be admitted on a space available basis without further charge to any course offered by a university within the Connecticut State University System provided the course is not offered at the student's college or university and the student's admission to such course(s) is recommended by the president or appropriate academic officer from his/her college or university. No student will be permitted to carry more than two courses in any semester without consent of the president of the host campus.

10. Cross-registration Program of the Hartford Consortium of Higher Education -
A full-time undergraduate student enrolled at a member institution of the Consortium who has paid full-time tuition and fees at his/her institution may be permitted to enroll at Central Connecticut State University for up to two courses each semester for which she/he has the appropriate prerequisite qualifications without the payment of tuition and fees or the registration fee. Student registration is contingent upon the fact that the course (s) is not available at his/her home institution, is on a space available basis, and that Central Connecticut State University students are afforded the same privilege. Lab fees or other special fees (e.g., private music lessons) are not waived under the provisions of this resolution.

11. Application Fee (Financially Needy) -
A waiver of the admissions application fee is authorized for any financially needy student, who (A) has taken the SAT I test using the SAT Fee Waiver; or (B) is a participant in CONNTAC-EOC or an equally recognized educational entity; or (C) is a participant CSU-sanctioned special access program such as CONNCAP or Upward Bound; or (D) in the opinion of the university president or designee has special circumstances.

12. Graduate Interns – Full-time –
Graduate Interns enrolled at any university within the Connecticut State University System as full-time graduate students shall be required to pay full-time tuition, a University General Fee sufficient to defray the cost of student accident insurance, and student sickness insurance (if not waived by the student in accordance with Board policy), but the balance of the University General Fee as well as all other fees imposed by the Board shall be waived.

Graduate Interns – Part-time –
Graduate Interns enrolled at any university within the Connecticut State University System as part-time graduate students shall receive a waiver of part-time tuition and all fees including summer session and winter session Extension fees up to a total maximum of 18 credit hours, provided the interns are enrolled in courses required for completion of their degree program

Other Tuition Waivers, Remissions, and Grants Authorized Under the Provisions of Section 10a-99(e), CGS

The "board shall set aside from its anticipated tuition revenue, an amount not less than that required by the board of governors' tuition policy established under subdivision (3) of subsection (a) of section 10a-6. Such funds shall be used to provide … grants for educational expenses and student employment for any undergraduate or graduate student who is enrolled as a full or part-time matriculated student in a degree-granting program, or enrolled in a precollege remedial program, and who demonstrates substantial financial need. Said board may also set aside from its anticipated tuition revenue an additional amount equal to one percent of said tuition revenue for financial assistance for students who would not otherwise be eligible for financial assistance but who do have a financial need as determined by the university in accordance with this subsection. In determining such financial need, the university shall exclude the value of equity in the principal residence of the student's parents or legal guardians, or in the student's principal residence if the student is not considered to be a dependent of his parents or legal guardians and shall assess the earnings of a dependent student at the rate of thirty percent. ".

Waiver of Fees for Graduate Assistants (BR#97-53)