Mich. Admin. Code R. 400.4137 - Sleeping rooms

(1) Residents may be required to remain in their assigned rooms for up to 30 minutes to accommodate staff shift changes.

(2) Residents of the opposite sex, if either is over 5 years of age, shall not sleep in the same sleeping room.

(3) In new and converted institutions, single occupant sleeping rooms shall not be less than 70 square feet, exclusive of closet space.

(4) In new and converted institutions, multi-occupant sleeping rooms shall not be less than 45 square feet per occupant, exclusive of closet space.

(5) In new or converted secure institutions, locked resident sleeping rooms shall be equipped with a 2-way monitoring device.

(6) In programs that accept children less than 2 years of age, the following safe sleep conditions shall be followed:

(a) Infants, birth to 12 months of age, shall rest alone in a crib that meets all of the following conditions:

(i) Has a firm, tight-fitting mattress with a waterproof, washable covering. (ii) Does not have any loose, missing, or broken hardware or slats. (iii) Has not more than 2 3/8 inches between slats. (iv) Has no corner posts over 1/16 inches high. (v) Has no cutout designs in the headboard or footboard.

(vi) Has a tightly fitted bottom sheet that covers the mattress with no additional padding placed between the sheet and mattress.

(vii) Blankets shall not be draped over cribs or bassinets.

(vii) Soft objects, bumper pads, stuffed toys, blankets, quilts or comforters, and other objects that could smother a child shall not be placed with or under a resting or sleeping infant.

An infants head shall remain uncovered during sleep.

(c) Infant car seats, infant seats, infant swings, highchairs, playpens, pack-n-play, waterbeds, adult beds, soft mattresses, sofas, beanbags, or other soft surfaces are not approved sleeping equipment for children 24 months of age or younger.

(d) Children 24 months or younger who fall asleep in a space that is not approved for sleeping shall be moved to approved sleeping equipment appropriate for their size.

(e) Children birth to 24 months of age shall sleep alone in a crib or toddler bed that is appropriate and sufficient for the child's length, size, and movement.

An infant shall be placed on his or her back for resting and sleeping.

(g) An infant unable to roll from stomach to back, and from back to stomach, when found facedown, shall be placed on his or her back.

(h) An infant who can easily turn over from his or her back to his or her stomach shall initially be placed on his or her back, but allowed to adopt whatever position he or she prefers for sleep.

(i) For an infant who cannot rest or sleep on his or her back, the institution shall have written instructions, signed by a physician, detailing an alternative safe sleep position and/or other special sleeping arrangements for the infant.

(j) The institution shall maintain supervision and frequently monitor infants breathing, sleep position, and bedding for possible signs of distress. Baby monitors shall not be used exclusively to comply with this subdivision.