Where Actors Can Download Scenes, Monologues and Scripts for Practice, Classes and Auditions

Where actors can find scripts, scenes and monologues for showcases and auditions. Links, lists, websites and more!

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As an actor, you are always going to need scenes and monologues for auditions and acting classes and workshops and just to practice your acting skills. Since so many acting classes are now being done via Zoom, it’s more important than ever for actors to have access to a wide variety of acting scenes and movie scripts.

To help you out with this I’ve put together a list of some of my favorite websites to download scenes and monologues.

I’ll be updating this periodically, so be sure to check back often!
p.s. for actors new to the biz, “sides” are the industry term for scenes taken from a full script

Top Script-Sharing Sites for Actors

There are lots of websites where actors can download practice scripts. Some are better than others, and most are free while others charge a fee for access. Paid sites may offer wider variety audition scripts to choose from, but be sure to do your research. I’ve found there are literally hundreds of practice scenes for actors available for download for no cost or just an email sign-up.

I’ve grouped the listing into 4 major categories although there is some crossover so be sure to read my notes.

Scenes for Actors . Monologues for Actors
Full Length TV and Film Scripts . Voice Over Practice Scripts

Let’s get started!

Scenes for Actors


Actorama is primarily a resource site for actors. You can sign-up for their talent database, they have some casting calls and a ton of both Monologues and Scenes for actors. They are categorized which makes the search easier. First by Scene or Monologue, then genre so it looks something like this: Comedic Scenes, Dramatic Scenes, Serio-Comic Scenes, Comedic Monologues for Men, Comedic Monologues for Women … you get the idea. They also have scenes from Latest TV Shows as well as One Minute Monologues and Monologues for Kids. and more! Well laid out and definitely worth browsing through.

The Beverly Hills Playhouse

The Beverly Hills Playhouse is one of LA’s oldest and most respected acting schools. The have an excellent collection of scenes and monologues for acting students organized by type: Scenes for Man and Woman, Two Men, Two Women etc. If you’re a new actor and in LA consider checking out their acting classes as well.

Ivana Chubbuck Studio

“Ivana Chubbuck is the premiere acting coach of the twenty-first century.” Halle Berry
Ivana Chubbuck is one of the top acting coaches in the U.S.! She has taught and coached Academy Award Winners Charlize Theron, Halle Berry, Jake Gyllenhaal and Brad Pitt. Still need convincing that she might know a thing or two about scenes? This is a collection of scenes she has selected specifically for couples. There is a HUGE selection and well worth looking at.

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One on One NYC

This is one of my favs! They have sides for TV & Film, Commercials, Theatre, Young Actors, and Voiceover. But, if you’re just starting out, build your acting skills before taking part in a workshop here. Their scripts and scenes collections is great!

More About Workshops: One on One NYC is Next Level Studios in Los Angeles. They are a well-known and well established company that provides primarily Casting Director Workshops. They also have workshops with agents, managers and directors, and while they can be useful for established actors, they are not really the best teaching / learning venue for new actors. Simply put, you need the foundational work first, PLUS a resume with actual credits. The workshops are valuable, and can be a great way to meet industry players and should be used accordingly…. once you have something to show. Remember, this is a business. Please don’t go in expecting to be discovered.

Talent Pages

** This page was open to the general public when I first wrote this article back in 2020, but now you need to be a Registered User. Proceed accordingly.

There’s a decent collection of sides (scenes) here, most seem to be from indie projects. Kind of interesting, but a lot of work to go through and find something you actually want to use.

Monologues for Actors

Ace Your Audition

Ace Your Audition has a few resources, but the strongest seems to be their Free Monologue Collection. There is a great article there on monologues too with tips on what makes a good monologue and how to choose a monologue. The have Dramatic Monologues, Comedic Monologues, Male, Female, Teen, Shakespeare, Movie Monologues and One Minute Monologues. If you are strictly looking for a monologue, check here first.

Daily Actor

Similar to the site above, Daily Actor groups their monologues by category. These are all contemporary monologues and also some solid tips on finding one. They offer a range including: Monologues from Movies, Plays, Musicals, Dramatic, Comedic, One Minute, Monologues for Women and for Men.

Opening Monologue

This site boasts thousands of classical and contemporary monologues from movies and plays. Similar to True Monologue below, you can search from famous monologues, but should be careful when using them for a class or auditions. (see my notes below) Still, this is a solid resource if you are looking for something in particular.

Stage Milk

As Stage Milk says, “Working on monologues as an actor is like using a power-drill for Tradesmen – it’s an essential part of the job!” So true!

Here you can find a range of contemporary, classical and Shakespearean monologues, as well as monologues from film and TV, for all ages. Whether you are looking for an audition monologue, or just some great text to work on, there are some solid options here.

True Monologue

True Monologue is just like it sound – nothing but monologues for actors! BUT.. they are all from famous actors and/or famous movies, so if you are looking for something that is more classical or not as well known, I would suggest another source.

Actors, and especially new actors, should be careful when using famous monologues; you don’t want to be compared to an Oscar winning performance or even try to mimic it. That can really limit your own creative expression and discovery. Still, there are some really wonderful monologues here. You can search by Movies, by Roles or by the Actors who performed them originally.

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Full Length TV and Film Scripts

Full length film scripts and transcripts from television shows (you’ll usually find the transcripts, not the original script actors used) can be fun and interesting to read, but unless you know the exact scene or monologue you are looking for, they can require a bit more work to read through. If you are a new actor, I would highly recommend that you start with practice scenes or monologues that have been selected from one of the previous sources.

Actor Point

This also list full length movie scripts but is broken down by genre which is super helpful!

Scripts on Screen

This is a fantastic site for full length movie scripts! It links to about a dozen other places to find scripts, and the owner of the site is very meticulous in maintaining the site, and organizing the content. You can search by name, recently added, genre and more!

Simply Scripts

This is like hitting gold for a collection of online scripts! They have a HUGE collection including Movie and TV scripts, Un-Produced scripts, Oscar scripts, Anime, Non-English, Plays and even some treatments. (The ‘treatment’ is proposal / outline written before the script) There is a huge collection here ant the site seems to be updated frequently.

The Daily Script

There’s a decent collection of movie scripts and tv scripts here, but I find the site to search through and a lot are full length and not just scenes or sides. Good place to find scripts from old classic movies.

Movie Scripts and Screenplay

This is another similar to one above – mostly full length features. The site is pretty basic with none of the bells and whistles, but still a great resource full length movie scripts.

Script Reader Pro

Script Reader Pro is primarily for writers. It’s a site that offers professional services, such a coverage for screen writers. If you’re thinking about writing a screenplay of your own, definitely check them out, but for actors there’s also a collection of “50 of the best TV scripts to download”. And if these have been selected by professional screenwriters, you know they are going to truly some of the best in the biz!

Have you been thinking about doing voice overs?
Get all of basics here:

Thinking about starting a career in voice over? The voiceover industry has really taken off! Here are eight simple tips for starting a career in VO. | MyActorGuide.com

Voiceover Practice Scripts

Edge Studios

This is an absolute killer resource for VO scripts! They boast more than 6,000 scripts in total and claim to be “the world’s largest free archive” … just might be true! The are free but you do need to create an account to access the scripts.

Voice 123

I love Voice123! Have been a member for years. They are the premier voice site for voice actors to find work, and here is a link to their VO resources. About halfway down the page you’ll find the link for “Sample Script Libraries”. Great resource!

Voice Actor Websites

Here’s another huge collection of free VoiceOver scripts. They are archived by what seems to be like about 50 categories! Well worth checking out.

If you have requests or suggestions head to the comments section below. I answer every one!

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** Originally posted April 2020. Updated July 2022

Need to find scripts, scenes and monologues for acting auditions? Find out where you can download scripts for free!

* Please Note: I am not an agent, manager, or casting director. I do not procure work for actors. All information, workshops and coaching are for educational purposes only and are not a guarantee or promise of employment. Thank you for being here!