Student Conduct Code - Section 5. Prohibited Conduct

All members of the USF community have a responsibility to protect and maintain an academic climate in which the fundamental freedom to learn can be enjoyed by all and where the rights and well-being of all members of the community are protected. To this end, the following basic policies and procedures have been developed to establish behavioral expectations of all students as members of the University community.

Attempting, abetting, or being an accessory to any behavior prohibited by the Student Conduct Code is considered a violation of the Code.

USF prohibits retaliation of any kind against any individual who submits a complaint of misconduct or against any person cooperating in the investigation of any such allegation. Retaliation is defined as any adverse action taken against a person participating in a University investigation process because of that participation in the investigation. Retaliation against an individual for alleging any violation of University policy or the Student Conduct Code, for supporting a complainant, or for assisting in providing information relevant to a claim of any alleged misconduct is a serious violation of University policy and will be treated and responded to as such and may result in suspension or expulsion.

Any student found to have committed or to have attempted to commit the following misconduct is subject to the outcomes outlined in Section 8: Outcomes. The following conduct is prohibited under the Student Conduct Code:

5.1 Respect for SELF


Complicity is defined as being present while a violation is occurring, actively encouraging a violation to occur, or failing to report an alleged conduct violation. Students are expected to make decisions that align with the Code, those decisions include but are not limited to: 1) leaving the situation immediately; 2) encouraging individuals to cease the behavior; 3) leaving the situation immediately and reporting the alleged violation; or 4) staying and being alleged with a violation of the Code.


Conduct that causes physical self-harm, endangers the health or safety of self, or that demonstrates an inability to function safely and independently within the University community.


The University believes in personal responsibility and responsible decision-making in all facets of one’s life. In recognition that alcohol misuse can have adverse health consequences and prevent students from reaching their full potential academically, please refer to the University’s Alcohol and Drug Policy for further information.


The University believes in personal responsibility and responsible decision-making in all facets of one’s life. In recognition that marijuana misuse can have adverse health consequences and prevent students from reaching their full potential academically, please refer to the University’s Alcohol and Drug Policy for further information. Students who qualify under Proposition 215 to use marijuana for medical purposes are not permitted to possess, store, provide, or use the marijuana on University-owned or controlled property


The University believes in personal responsibility and responsible decision-making in all facets of one’s life. In recognition that drug misuse can have adverse health consequences and prevent students from reaching their full potential academically, please refer to the University’s Alcohol and Drug Policy for further information.